Reflections on Seventh Grade

When I first arrived in August ,I expected it to be a blow off grade and  easy as pie.  But I soon realized it was  going to be hard and along  9 months. By October I was under ground in home work. It was horrible.I had no time to hang out with my friends.

Eventually I fingered out that being organized and studying helps a lot. I leaned that the hard way. In seventh grade, I learned  to make an expository, and how to make a narrative. I leaned to tern every thing on time because it can a make a big different in the future.. And Ms.Schoch will make you.

As the school year comes to a close, I will be sad and happy. Sad… because I wont be seeing Ms. Schoch in English every day asking me if I did my homework. Because she know I didn’t. If i had to do it over again then I would study and be more organized. My advice to next years 7th graders is to be on time to ever class and be respectful.

This Weekend

This weekend  my friends and I went to the Galleria and saw spider man 2. It was pretty cool but a bad story line. then we went to Mc Donalds and had there horrible junk food. We played on the play scape and then went home.  Carter, Spencer, Michael, and I all had I sleep over and played Xbox all night.

The next day all my friends went home and I went to lacrosse practice. after lake and I went to the aswome lacrosse party. right when I got there I slipped and fell and tore my foot open. Ms.Tomson washed it off and put a band ad on it and it was all better. that weekend was so fun that I would wish to have anther one.